Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Flares - The Script

Did you lose what won't return?
Apakah kau kehilangan sesuatu yang takkan kembali?

Did you love but never learn?
Apakah kau mencintai tapi tak pernah belajar?

The fire's out but still it burns
Apinya padam tapi masih membakar

And no one cares, there's no one there
Dan tak ada yang peduli, tak ada siapa-siapa

Did you find it hard to breathe?
Apakah kau merasa sulit bernafas?

Did you cry so much that you could barely see?
Apakah kau menangis tersedu hingga kau sulit melihat?

In the darkness all alone
Di kegelapan, seorang diri

And no one cares, there's no one there
Dan tak ada yang peduli, tak ada siapa-siapa

Well did you see the flares in the sky?
Yah, apakah kau lihat kobaran di angkasa itu?

Were you blinded by the light?
Apakah kau terbutakan oleh cahaya itu?

Did you feel the smoke in your eyes?
Apakah kau rasakan asap di matamu?

Did you? Did you?
Begitukah? Begitukah?

Did you see the sparks fill with hope? You are not alone
Apakah kau lihat percikan-percikan itu berisi harapan? Kau tak sendiri

Cause someone's out there, sending out flares
Karena seseorang di luar sana, memancarkan kobaran cahaya

Did you break but never mend?
Apakah kau patah hati tapi tak pernah sembuh?

Did it hurt so much you thought it was the end?
Apakah kau begitu sakit hingga kau pikir inilah akhirnya?

Lose your heart but don't know when
Kehilangan hati tapi tak tahu kapan

And no one cares, there's no one there
Dan tak ada yang peduli, tak ada siapa-siapa

Back to III

Did you lose what won't return?
Apakah kau kehilangan sesautu yang takkan kembali?

Did you love but never learn?
Apakah kau mencinta tapi tak pernah belajar?

But did you see the flares in the sky?
Tapi apakah kau melihat kobaran di angkasa?

Were you blinded by the light?
Apakah kau terbutakan oleh cahaya itu?

Did you feel the smoke in your eyes?
Apakah kau rasakan asap di matamu?

Did you? Did you?
Begitukah? Begitukah?

Did you see the sparks fill with hope? You are not alone
Apakah kau lihat percikan-percikan itu berisi harapan? Kau tak sendiri

Cause someone's out there, sending out flares
Karena seseorang di luar sana, memancarkan kobaran cahaya

Back to III

Someone's out there, sending out flares
Seseorang di luar sana, memancarkan kobaran cahaya