A Place Where You Belong - Bullet For My Valentine | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

You're dead!
Kau mati!

You're dead!
Kau mati!

Your body's cold
Tubuhmu dingin

Hope is lost, I can't let go
Harapan tlah sirna, aku tak rela

Can I die with you so we can never grow old?
Bolehkah aku mati bersamamu agar kita tak pernah menua?

Cut the ties (cut the ties)
Potonglah ikatan (potonglah ikatan)

With this note you left behind
Dengan nada ini, kau meninggalkanku

As I read the words I hear you telling me why
Saat kubaca kata-kata ini, kudengar kau memberitahuku alasannya

Too late, too late
Terlambat sudah, terlambat sudah

I never said goodbye
Aku tak pernah ucapkan selamat tinggal

Too late, too late
Terlambat sudah, terlambat sudah

Can't even ask you why
Bahkan tak bisa bertanya mengapa

And now I'm wasting away
Dan kini aku dirundung pilu

In my own misery
Dalam kesedihanku sendiri

I hope you've finally gone
Kuharap akhirnya kau pergi

To a place where you belong
Ke tempatmu yang seharusnya

My sadness shows
Kesedihanku tampak

As your name is carved in stone
Saat namamu terpahat di batu nisan

Can't erase the words so the reality grows
Tak bisa kuhapus kata-kata, maka kenyataan pun kian nyata

I wish I died (I wish I died)
Andai aku mati (Andai aku mati)

On that night right by your side (right by your side)
Di malam itu tepat di sisimu (tepat di sisimu)

So just kill me now and let the good times roll
Maka bunuh sajalah aku dan biarlah saat-saat bahagia bergulung

Back to II

Will you wait for me? (will you wait for me?)
Akankah kau menungguku? (akankah kau menungguku?)

Will I see you on the other side?
Akankah aku bertemu denganmu di sisi lain?

You won't have to wait too long
Kau tak perlu menunggu terlalu lama

Will you come to me? (will you come to me?)
Akankah kau datang padaku? (Akankah kau datang padaku?)

Will you take me to the other side?
Akankah kau mengajakku ke sisi lain?

'Cause here I don't belong
Karena di sini bukan tempatku

Back to II

I never said goodbye
Aku tak pernah ucapkan selamat tinggal

Can't even ask you why
Bahkan takbisa bertanya mengapa

I'm wasting
Aku dirundung

Away in my on misery
Dirundung pilu dalam kesedihanku

I hope you've finally gone
Kuharap akhirnya kau pergi

To a place where you belong!
Ke tempatmu yang seharusnya!