The Sun Is Rising - Britt Nicole | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

When life has cut too deep and left you hurting
Ketika hidup tlah mengiris terlalu dalam dan membuatmu terluka

The future you had hoped for is now burning
Masa depan yang tlah kau impikan kini terbakar

And the dreams you held so tight lost their meaning
Dan mimpi-mimpi yang kau genggam begitu erat kehilangan maknanya

And you don't if you'll ever find the healing
Dan takkan begitu jika kau temukan obatnya

You're gonna make it
Kau pasti bisa

You're gonna make it
Kau pasti bisa

And the night can only last for so long
Dan malam bisa berlangsung begitu lama

Whatever you're facing
Apapun yang kau hadapi

If your heart is breaking
Jika hatimu remuk

There's a promise for the ones who just hold on
Ada janji bagi mereka yang bertahan

Lift up your eyes and see
Angkatlah pandanganmu dan lihatlah

And the sun is rising
Dan mentari pun terbit

And the sun is rising
Dan mentari pun terbit

Sun is rising
Mentari pun terbit

And the sun is rising
Dan mentari pun terbit

Every high and every low you're gonna go through
Setiap suka dan duka yang akan kau lalui

You don't have to be afraid I am with you (I am with you)
Kau tak perlu takut, aku bersamamu (aku bersamamu)

In the moments you're so weak you feel like stopping
Di saat-saat kau lemah, kau ingin menyerah

Let the hope you have light the road you're walking
Biarkan harapan yang kau miliki terangi jalan yang kau lalui

Back to II, III

And even when you can't imagine how
Dan bahkan di saat kau tak bisa membayangkan bagaimana

How you're ever gonna find your way out
Bagaimana kau akan temukan jalan keluar

Even when you're drabbling in your doubt
Bahkan di saat kau terperosok dalam keraguan

Just look beyond the clouds
Lihatlah di balik awan

The sun is rising
Mentari pun terbit

The sun is rising
Mentari pun terbit

Just look beyond the clouds
Lihatlah ke balik awan

The sun is rising
Mentari pun terbit

The sun is rising
Mentari pun terbit

Back to III

The sun is rising
Mentari pun terbit

The sun is rising yeah
Mentari pun terbit yeah

The sun is rising ooh oh
Mentari pun terbit ooh oh

Yeah yeah

Back to VI (2x)