Who Do We Think We Are - John Legend feat. Rick Ross | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

Who do we think we are?
Siapa kita pikir diri kita?

Baby, tell me, who do we think we are?
Kasih, katakanlah, siapa kita pikir diri kita?

We made a lot of magic
Kita tlah lakukan banyak keajaiban

It’s the only way we know
Hanya itulah caranya kita tahu

Let’s keep the night fantastic
Mari buat malam tetap fantastik

Light it up, tell me more, explore
Ramaikanlah, beritahu aku lebih banyak, jelajahilah

We love, we love, we love the stars
Kita suka, kita suka, kita suka bintang-bintang

We could fall so hard
Kita bisa jatuh begitu keras

The drinks, the minks, the jewels, the house, the cars
Minuman, cerpelai, permata, rumah, mobil

Why’d we ball so hard?
Mengapa kita berpesta begitu hebat?

Yeah, I’m no afraid to fly
Yah, aku tak takut terbang

Here we are, in the air, barely breathing
Di sinilah kita, di udara, hampir tak bisa bernafas

And we’re not afraid to die
Dan kita tak takut mati

Yeah, I’m no afraid to fly
Yeah, aku tak takut terbang

Here we are, in the air, barely breathing
Di sinilah kita, di udara, hampir tak bisa bernafas

And we’re not afraid to die
Dan kita tak takut mati

Who do we think we are?
Siapa kita pikir diri kita?

Baby, tell me, who do we think we are?
Kasih, beritahu aku, siapa kita pikir diri kita?

Who do we think we are?
Siapa kita pikir diri kita?

Baby, tell me, who do we think we are?
Kasih, beritahu aku, siapa kita pikir diri kita?

We’ve got a lot of nerve, girl
Kita punya nyali besar, kasih

We walk around here like we own this place
Kita mondar-mandir di sini seolah tempat ini milik kita

[Rick Ross]
See my jewels dripping on my Timberlands
Lihat, permataku berlelehan di tanah kayuku

Stepping like a criminal, success is so imminent
Melangkah seperti penjahat, sukses begitu dekat

Pink champagne, black Rolls Royce
Sampanye merah jambu, Rolls Royce hitam

Eggplant double breasted suit from Tom Ford
Setelan double breasted warna terong dari Tom Ford

Bon voyage, left haters in the fog
Selamat berpesiar, tinggalkan para pembenci di dalam kabut

Look up in the sky, bet you recognize a boss
Lihatlah tinggi ke langit, kau pasti mengenali bos

Look into my eyes as I fantasize for us
Tataplah mataku saat aku berfantasi untuk kita

Still actin’ shy like this is summer class crush
Masih bertingkah malu-malu seakan ini kerumunan kelas musim panas

Money comin’ fast, I’m never in a rush, no
Uang datang cepat, aku tak pernah tergesa-gesa

Plus another twenty in the tuck
Ditambah dua puluh di singsingan baju

Send me in a truck, another forty on the wrist
Kirim aku di truk, empat puluh lagi di pergelangan

Quarter-mill on my mind got me livin’ like I pitch
Quarter mill di pikiranku, membuatku hidup seolah aku berdiri gagah

Dodging Robin Givens, balling like I’m Roger Clemens
Mengelak Robin Givens, berpesta seperti Roger Clemens

Still in the game, uniform all linen
Masih di permainan, seragam kain linen

She get Chanel, ski trips to Ville
Dia punya Chanel, perjalanan ski ke Ville

Only the highest grade, like trees that I inhale
Hanya nilai tertinggi, seperti pepohonan yang kuhela

Back to III

Who do we think we are?
Siapa kita pikir diri kita?

I don’t know about y’all, but I feel good tonight
Aku tak tahu kalian semua, tapi aku senang malam ini

There’s something in the air tonight
Ada sesuatu di udara malam ini

You know, everyone needs someone to look up to
Kau tahu, semua orang butuh seseorang yang diteladani

Why shouldn’t it be us?
Mengapa bukan kita saja?

Who do we think we are?
Siapa kita pikir diri kita?

Tell me, who do we think we are?
Beritahu aku, siapa kita pikir diri kita?

Who do we think we are?
Siapa kita pikir diri kita?

Tell me, who do we think we are?
Beritahu aku, siapa kita pikir diri kita?

This is our song – our song for the future
Ini lagu kita - lagu kita untuk masa depan